Product Strategy on ChatGPT & AI

Product Strategy on ChatGPT & AI

After the new ChatGPT released on 14th March created a bigger attention by many industries. We saw many examples shared on what it's capable and how much people are able to do. But I will not share any example, rather I will take another look. Here is a very interesting interview by ABC News with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. [embed][/embed] They're discussing risks, downsides and upsides of Artificial İntelligence. I...
The Year 2020

The Year 2020

Year 2020 was challenging, teached us hard with experiences.. full of learning, no question at all! Our business/life transformed fast and changed Digitally and Remotely by the impact of pandemic Covid19. Change would be crucial always, the reality itself! we know it's a VUCA world! Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambigous.. I saw many examples failing when omitting those following. Hence I strongly recommend to track those. Here are my learnings...
Smart Program Managers

Smart Program Managers

Program Management is totally different than project management. You need to be transformer.. It's not an easy task, really! Here is the reason why it is.   10 things smart program managers do Do you sometimes wonder how super-achievers outperform others? And perhaps why it is that these rare human beings are always 'on their game' and exceed expectations? "Change your thoughts and you change your world" - Norman Vincent...
Team Building

Team Building

Creating a "team" is really hard. Setting up, Developing and Keeping it sustainable and continuous work.. It starts with hiring correct person to the right job on time and fitness into the rest of team. Because team is to be formed with different roles and competencies which complementing others. After starting to the job, adaptation takes some time in some periods for each individual and the team for sure (in the order of forming, storming, norming, performing asTuckman said). Later...
Success: I got you!

Success: I got you!

I have seen a group of video on YouTube last week. Evan Carmichael is providing masters’ aspects to success, 10 Rules for Success up to their experiences. I watched most of them and then I suddenly decided to attach a summary what these masters are really saying in common for ruling the success. Off course success is not having one definition and is changing by person to person, however would that be possible...
Software Quality Fusion; Agile and CMMI

Software Quality Fusion; Agile and CMMI

World is full of failed software projects caused by several different reasons or others. You will get more than 10 millions search results if you write “why software projects fail” into Google. Most well known topics are like Neglecting important principles and methodologies, Communication problems, non-matching Skills and Expectations, Late failures and quality issues, Vague requirements, insufficient stakeholder involvement and etc.. Cost, Time, Performance and Scope are the the most important...

12 Habits of Exceptional Leaders

One of the most popular Dilbert comic strips in the cartoon’s history begins with Dilbert’s boss relaying senior leadership’s explanation for the company’s low profits. In response to his boss, Dilbert asks incredulously, “So they’re saying that profits went up because of great leadership and down because of a weak economy?” To which Dilbert’s boss replies, “These meetings will go faster if you stop putting things in context.” Great leadership is indeed...