Success is Goal or Result?

Para kazanmak herşeyden önce disiplinli çalışmayı ve çok çalıştırmayı gerektirir. Yani alınteri ile zengin olmak için çok çalışmak önemlidir. Ama bundan daha önemlisi disiplinli olmaktır... Çok zeki olabilirsiniz. Çok yetenekli de... Ama bunlar yetmez!  Bunların hepsinden önemlisi çok çalışmak ve disiplinli olmaktır... İnsanları iş yapma açısından üçe ayırırım: - Eleman gibi iş yapanlar... - Yönetici veya müdür gibi iş yapanlar... - Patron gibi iş yapanlar... Elemanın en kötüsü "eleman" gibi...
AyhanAk Leadership

Next Step in Work

Causally I read an essay for several weeks ago, about why people leave their jobs. It is really impressive to understand that money is not the only reason to leave their job. Vision, guidance and improvement is needed by everyone. Leaving job is not caused by only a manager for sure, we need to do our homework in parallel. However everything is directly related how you manage it. I strongly...

Stop doing to be happier..

Sometimes the route to happiness depends more on what you don't do. Happiness--in your business life and your personal life--is often a matter of subtraction, not addition. Consider, for example, what happens when you stop doing the following 10 things: 1. Blaming. People make mistakes. Employees don't meet your expectations. Vendors don't deliver on time. So you blame them for your problems. But you're also to blame. Maybe you didn't provide enough training. Maybe...
AyhanAk Leadership

Become a better leader

Being likeable will help you in your job, business, relationships, and life. I interviewed dozens of successful business leaders for my last book, to determine what made them so likeable and their companies so successful. All of the concepts are simple, and yet, perhaps in the name of revenues or the bottom line, we often lose sight of the simple things - things that not only make us human, but can...
AyhanAk Leadership

5 Life Lessons Demonstrated by the Late Steve Jobs5 Life Lessons Demonstrated by the Late Steve Jobs

Apple co-founder and essential visionary Steve Jobs was laid to rest over the weekend in a private ceremony conducted by his family, according to the late CEO’s final wishes. His departure from this world marks the end of an era of technological innovation: the Age of Apple. While not always the most valuable tech company in the world, Apple has always represented the ideal when it comes to technological design....

Steve’den 10 dersTen lessons from Steve

He’s irreplaceable.  We’ll never see anyone else like him.  Edison, Einstein, Henry Ford… he has left an indelible mark on our society in the last 35 years and for many more to come. Yet, despite his greatness, he also taught us that he’s just a man.  He got up every day, like you and me.  He kissed his family goodbye and he threw his heart and soul into his work...
AyhanAk Leadership