Differences between Scrum and Kata

Differences between Scrum and Kata

Good to see new approaches to make things more in Agile way. Having different methods is necessary for tailoring upon team's needs. Read that article of Kata for Agile Transformation, by comparing with Scrum.. Differences between Scrum and Kata | Scrum.org https://youtu.be/I_2btU5n23A
The Year 2020

The Year 2020

Year 2020 was challenging, teached us hard with experiences.. full of learning, no question at all! Our business/life transformed fast and changed Digitally and Remotely by the impact of pandemic Covid19. Change would be crucial always, the reality itself! we know it's a VUCA world! Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambigous.. I saw many examples failing when omitting those following. Hence I strongly recommend to track those. Here are my learnings...
ICTSummit 2017 – Distruptive and Innovative Digital Economy

ICTSummit 2017 – Distruptive and Innovative Digital Economy

Information Computer Technology Summit (ICT Summit) 2017 with theme of "Distruptive and Innovative Digital Economy" is being held on 7 and 8 November at Istanbul Congress Center. I will be attending at the Artificial Intelligence Platform as panelist. ? We will discuss on AI Applications on different areas, AI in the future.. Many topics with industry experts with enthusiasm and excitement on IoT, Industry4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Cloud tech...
Smart Program Managers

Smart Program Managers

Program Management is totally different than project management. You need to be transformer.. It's not an easy task, really! Here is the reason why it is.   10 things smart program managers do Do you sometimes wonder how super-achievers outperform others? And perhaps why it is that these rare human beings are always 'on their game' and exceed expectations? "Change your thoughts and you change your world" - Norman Vincent...
IoT Türkiye Kahve Sohbetleri

IoT Türkiye Kahve Sohbetleri

IoT Türkiye'nin Ekim ayındaki etkinlikte konuşmacı olarka Turkcel ve GE ile birlikte keyifli bir sohbetimiz oldu. Telekom, Sağlık ve Akıllı ev alanlarında IoT uygulamaları ve yeni teknolojileri, Müşteri deneyimi ve beklentilerinin nasıl değiştiğini konuştuk. Davetleri ve bu keyifli etkinlik icin IoT Türkiye'ye teşekkür ederim.                         İlgili davet linkleri: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6331835205950808064 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6327130296512839680
AyhanAk Event

Decentralizing IoT networks through blockchain

Different approach to modelling IoT centric businesses. Articles is searching for some alternatives to todays networks for IoT based products which having thousands/millions of devices are possible in one hand. Some PoF is already done by Samsung and IBM, some others are believing is not effective and other way should be identified.  Advantageous or no-advantage, we'll see.  https://techcrunch.com/2016/06/28/decentralizing-iot-networks-through-blockchain/
NKU Arge ve Inovasyon Gunleri

NKU Arge ve Inovasyon Gunleri

BSH Arge'sinde yapılan inovatif çalışmalardan bahsetmek üzere Namık Kemal Universitesi Inovasyon Günleri'ne konuşmacı olarak katıldım. Bu etkinlikte Elektronik Mühendisi tam olarak ne yapar, nelerle uğraşır, yazılım ve elektronik alanlarında ne fırsatlar var gibi konulardan da bahsettik. Bu güzel ve eğlenceli gün icin Namık Kemal Univeritesi Ar-Ge ve Inovasyon Kulübü'ne teşekkür ederim.
AyhanAk Event