Türkiye Yazılım Geliştiricileri Anketi

Webrazzi tarafından yapılan anket ilginç bilgiler içeriyor. Detaylar şu şekilde; Yazılım geliştiricilerin yüzde 70’i eğitimini bilgisayar bilimleriyle alakalı bir konuda yapmış/yapıyor Ankete katılan 1387 kişinin yalnızca yüzde 6‘sı, yani 88’i, cinsiyetini kadın olarak işaretlerken geçen seneyle kıyasladığımızda yüzde 2’lik bir artıştan söz etmek mümkün. Diğer yandan yazılım geliştiricilerin yaş ortalaması 26,6 olurken lise ya da üniversite eğitimini bilgisayar bilimleriyle alakalı bir bölümde yapıyor olan/yapan kişilerin oranıysa yüzde 70. Bir başka deyişle yazılımcıların üçte birinin ‘alaylı’ olduğunu görüyoruz...

Google Developing ‘Brillo’ Software for Internet of Things

Google wants its software to power any electronic device that connects to the Internet, whether or not it has a digital screen. To that end, Google is working on technology that could run on low-powered devices, possibly with as few as 64 or 32 megabytes of random-access memory, according to people who have been briefed about the project. Google is likely to release the software under the Android brand, as...

Development with Native or HTML5?Development with Native or HTML5?

Web-based UserInterface is more popular nowadays after created Hybrid application frameworks like (PhoneGap, Appcelerator) for Android&IOS. But I am hearing many companies turns back to native development environment (Xcode and Java) on them for better performance. On contrast some embedded UI frameworks like Wx, QT and GTK etc. gives better performance but needs more effort to develop a rich User Experince. I am looking for a HW and OS independent,...

Android Developer Days 2013 – Ankara

I have attended to Android Developer Days at 14-15 June in Ankara. It was really great event which any can see many enthusiast people, entrepreneur and business men. At least you can take the breath of Android flora, and see the great apps, tools which any can use with your job.   I have experienced Google Glass at first time. It was exactly different than I expected. It can capture your...

Android is against to Touch Responsiveness with Project Butter

Google’s Project Butter addresses speed to make the user experience “buttery smooth” in three distinct areas. Project Butter applies to the entire OS, not just the launcher, so this smoothness should be immediately available in every app running on Jelly Bean. Vsync Vsync improves graphical performance and increases the frame rate to 60fps! To ensure a consistent frame rate across the entire experience, Android 4.1 extends vsync timing across all drawing and animation that the...

Android initialization from init.rc

As known, android is based on Linux kernel however in this article, we wont deal with kernel. We will try to discover android initialization (particularly zygote)  step by step after the kernel is done. init,  source can be found in /system/core/init/init.c, is started first after the kernel finished his job.(init’s pid is 1) init process parces the init.rc file which has a specific format called the Android Init Language and...

How to get source codes of an apk

Most of the developers sometimes want to see the source codes of some applications for reverse engineering, so do I.  To do that, I learned how to get source codes of an apk and last week when I wanted to see source codes of an apk again I realized that I forgot how to do that so I learned again and I decided to write this entry to remember quickly how to look...