Development with Native or HTML5?Development with Native or HTML5?

Web-based UserInterface is more popular nowadays after created Hybrid application frameworks like (PhoneGap, Appcelerator) for Android&IOS. But I am hearing many companies turns back to native development environment (Xcode and Java) on them for better performance. On contrast some embedded UI frameworks like Wx, QT and GTK etc. gives better performance but needs more effort to develop a rich User Experince. I am looking for a HW and OS independent,...

Android Developer Days 2013 – Ankara

I have attended to Android Developer Days at 14-15 June in Ankara. It was really great event which any can see many enthusiast people, entrepreneur and business men. At least you can take the breath of Android flora, and see the great apps, tools which any can use with your job.   I have experienced Google Glass at first time. It was exactly different than I expected. It can capture your...

Android Studio

Google launches another Android IDE built on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, sharing many features with the Eclipse-based tool. Beside the standard Eclipse bundle that Google has offered so far for Android development, they announced Android Studio at Google I/O 2013, a new IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Android Studio comes bundled with the entire Android development platform, including the SDK, the tools and emulators. Some of the eye-catching features demoed by Google are: Deep intellisense for resources...

GUI using Event Driven Design GUI using Event Driven Design

GUI design is an excellent place to explore the application of event driven design techniques. Most UIs are built using a derivative of the model-view-controller framework, which is based on an event driven control model. It is not surprising then that GUI designs that use this framework can benefit from the application of event driven design principles. Event Driven GUI Design Activities Event driven GUI design consists of the following 5 activities: 1) DEFINE...

Why we need Google-Glass

I have found a nice article from Loic Le Meur, will keep to follow.. Let's read it out. What's the latest big innovation since the iPhone? The PC becoming a tablet? The iPad becoming "mini"? Of course not. Truth is since the iPhone there was no major new technology breakthrough. The excitement around Google Glass is huge. When I walk in the streets of San Francisco or NY City with...

The best Interface is No Interface?The best Interface is No Interface?

Minimalism has come back in style in Europe and rumours of Steve Jobs and a new form of voice interface just won't go away. The natural extent of minimalism, the singularity in the graphics universe, is of course, no graphics at all. Keen to find out what this would mean, I asked a few colleagues at Alticast to create a voice controlled interface and gave them just a few working...

Become a better leader

Being likeable will help you in your job, business, relationships, and life. I interviewed dozens of successful business leaders for my last book, to determine what made them so likeable and their companies so successful. All of the concepts are simple, and yet, perhaps in the name of revenues or the bottom line, we often lose sight of the simple things - things that not only make us human, but can...
AyhanAk Leadership